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NAL Recruitment 2025 30 Scientist Posts; Apply Here!

CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories invites Online applications from the eligible Applicants for recruitment of 30 Scientist Posts. Candidates are requested to apply ONLY ON-LINE website https://www.nal.res.in/. The website will be kept open between 21.02.2025 till 03.04.2025 for this purpose.

NAL Recruitment 2025 Short Details:

Organization Name:CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories
Category:Central Govt Jobs 
Post Name:Scientist
Place of Posting:Bengaluru
Apply Mode:Online  
Starting Date:21.02.2025 
Last Date:03.04.2025
Official Website:https://www.nal.res.in/ 

Vacancy Details:

SI NoPost NameNo of Post
1.Scientist / Gr.IV (2)30

Education Qualification:

SI NoPost NameQualification
1.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-101PhD in the area of Chemistry / Materials Science / Metallurgical Engg
Experience: one or more of the following areas: Electrochemistry, Corrosion, Coating development by chemical / electrochemical processes and surface characterization
2.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-102PhD in the area of Chemistry / Materials Science
Experience: the area of fuel cell fabrication and testing
3.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-103ME/M.Tech or Ph.D in the area of Polymer Science & Technology or Polymer Chemistry
4.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-104ME/M.Tech. or Ph.D in the area of Metallurgical Engineering / Materials Engineering
Experience: one or more of the following areas: Metallurgical characterization techniques including Scanning electron microscopy, fractography, image analysis, EDS analysis.
5.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-105ME/M. Tech. or Ph. D in the area of Materials Engineering / Materials Technology / Ceramics Engineering / Ceramics Technology
Experience: (i) Materials characterisation including mechanical, thermal, microstructural, thermo-mechanical properties (ii) Structure- property processing correlation studies of CFCC and (iii) CVI.
6.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-106ME/M.Tech in the area of Electronic & Communication Engg.
Experience: Embedded systems, hardware and software
7.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-107ME/M.Tech in the area of Electronics & Communication Engineering / Microwave Engineering / Radar Engineering or Ph.D (Science/Engg) submitted in the area of Electromagnetics with specialization in the area of FSS, Antennas & Stealth Technology
Experience: Experience in the area of Electromagnetics
8.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-108ME/M.Tech in the area of Mechanical Engineering with specialization in machine design / production / industrial engg
Experience: the area of design, fabrication and maintenance of mechanical systems
9.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-109ME/M.Tech in the area of Systems Engineering / Aerospace Engineering / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering or Ph.D submitted in the area of Systems Engineering / Aerospace Engineering / Electrical / Mechanical Engineering
10.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-110ME/M.Tech in the area of Computer Science / Information Science / ECE / EEE / Instrumentation and Control / Aerospace Engineering or Ph.D (Science/Engineering)
Experience: one or more of the following areas C, C++ Programming and Computer graphics or Experience in the area of Matlab / Simulink
11.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-111M.E/ M.Tech Power Electronics / Electrical Machines and Drives / Power System / Control and Automation.
Experience: CAD tools
12.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-112ME/M.Tech in the area of Mechanical Engineering / Machine Design
13.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-113ME/M.Tech in the area of Design Engineering / Aerospace Engineering
14.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-114M.E./M.Tech in the area of Aerospace / Mechanical Engineering
15.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-115M.E / M.Tech in the area of Aerospace / Mechanical / Civil Engineering
16.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-116M.E / M.Tech in the area of Electronics / VLSI System/ Embedded Systems / Instruments Engineering
Experience: Digital Electronics, Signal Processing, MATLAB / LABVIEW, etc.
17.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-117M.E./ M. Tech. in the area of Mechanical Engineering
18.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-118M.E./ M. Tech. in the area of Mechanical Engineering
Experience: Design, detail design, drawings of aircraft mechanical systems and its components is desirable. Specialization in Machine Design/ Mechanical Design Engineering.
19.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-119M.E./ M. Tech. in the area of Mechanical Engineering
Experience: Design, detail design, drawings of aircraft mechanical systems and its components is desirable. Specialization in Machine Design/ Mechanical Design Engineering
20.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-120M.E./ M.Tech in the area of Engineering in Manufacturing/ Production Engineering/ Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Experience: Aircraft manufacturing activities with working knowledge of CAD/CAM Tools (CATIA).
21.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-121M.E/M.Tech in the area of Engineering in Tool Design / Tool Engineering
Experience: Design of Aircraft Assembly Jigs, Fixtures, ICY Gauges, Ground handling Equipment’s with working knowledge of CAD Tools (CATIA/ AutoCAD).
22.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-122M.E/ M.Tech in the area of Aerospace / Aeronautical / Mechanical Engineering
Experience: Quality Control in established Aerospace / ReguIatory & Certification organizations; familiarity with latest Civil Aviation Requirement-21, IMAP, IMTAR-21, AFQMS, AS9100 Rev D, Human Factors & Organization approvals
23.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-123M.E./M.Tech. in the area of Mechanical/Industrial/Product ion Engineering
24.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-124M.E/M.Tech. in the area of Mechanical Engg/ Aeronautical Engg
Experience: aircraft manufacturing, assembly, inspection and structural repair practices.
25.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-125M.E/ M.Tech. in the area of Aerospace / Aeronautical / Mech Engg.
Experience: Programming languages (e.g. C/C++/MATLAB).
26.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-126M.E/ M.Tech in the area of Mechanical Engineering
Experience: Thermal Engineering / Fluid Science of Turbomachinery.
27.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-127M.E/ M.Tech in the area of Mechanical Engineering
Experience: Thermal Engineering / Fluid Science of Turbomachinery
28.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-128M.E/ M.Tech in the area of Mechanical Design / Machine design.
Experience: Fracture Mechanics, FEM analysis and design of wind tunnel balances Design of machine elements and failure analysis.
29.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-129ME/M.Tech in the area of Aerospace Engineering.
Experience: Knowledge in Aerodynamics/ CFD algorithms /CFD code development. Computing experience on large CPU/GPU clusters.
30.Scientist / Gr.IV(2) S-130M.E/ M.Tech in the area of Aeronautical/ Aerospace/ Mechanical Eng.
Experience: Experimental Aerodynamics / Experimental Fluid Mechanics.

Age Limit:

SI NoPost NameAge Limit 
1.Scientist / Gr.IV(2)32 Years


SI NoPost NameSalary 
1.Scientist / Gr.IV(2)Rs. 67,700-2,08,700/-

Mode of Selection:

SI NOSelection Process
1.Short Listing

Application Fee:

SI NOCategoryFee
Payment Mode: Online

Application Procedure:

Applicants can apply only ON-LINE on NAL website https://www.nal.res.in/ (Recruitment Section) between 21.02.2025 and 03.04.2025.

Important Dates:

Opening of online application portal21.02.2025
Last date for receiving of applications03.04.2025

Important Links

Official WebsiteLink
Official Notification PDFDownload Now
Online Application FormApply Now

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